improving your wellbeing through doing…welldoing.

There’s a serious challenge out there with folks feeling stressed to the max, too often reaching for quick fixes that just don’t cut it. At Space B.A.R. Wellness, our mission is clear: we help our clients CREATE SPACE to Breathe, Adapt, & Recover from life’s challenges so they can show up as their best and more resilient versions of themselves to crush life.

Sure, a single sauna session or cold plunge might work wonders on your mood and soothe those immediate aches. But make these practices a regular part of your routine? That’s where the real magic happens. Regular sessions can transform your nervous system, paving the way for lasting wellness.

Here at Space BAR, quick fixes are not our thing (although you will feel fantastic after your session.) We’re all about a holistic approach to health and wellness. We know the challenge isn’t just about knowing what to do; it’s often about having the right support and accountability to make it happen.

And that’s exactly what we deliver. With our coaching programs, you’re never going it alone. Whether it’s through our guided small group classes, one-on-one sessions, or our coaching app that offers personalized workouts and nutrition advice, we’re here to back you up every step of the way.

The pillars


We navigate life through the lens of our nervous system, and our breath is the ultimate remote control. By tuning into our breathing, we start to craft better breathing habits that really stick. From there, we can introduce specific breathing protocols tailored to boost your health, enhance your wellness, and elevate your performance. It’s about setting the rhythm for a life well-lived, one breath at a time.


Life throws us curveballs, and adapting to what comes our way is key. We equip you with the tools to not just handle change but to thrive in it. Whether it’s the cold, heat, or a training program, used with the right intention will build mental and physical resilience. Embrace change, master your responses, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth.


Full throttle is great, but recovery is where the magic happens. Recovery isn’t a passive pause—it’s an active decision to CREATE SPACE. Contrast therapy, nutrition guidance, and recovery treatments, ensure that your body and mind are restored and primed for action. It’s about recharging fully to perform at your best. Take the time to recover right, and watch performance skyrocket.